HIPHOPINYOURFACE (HIYF) is the English translation of HIPHOPINJESMOEL (HIJS), an organization dedicated to promoting Hiphop in Holland/The Netherlands. The most important medium is the website hiphopinjesmoel.com. Current updates keep the increasing group of visitors continually informed about everything related to their (sub)culture. In addition to this, the site functions as a platform for hiphopheads, enabling them to voice their opinions. HIJS first went live on 19 september 1999. Back then the site consisted primarily of party-reviews of so-called “Nederhop” (A characteristically Dutch rap/rock hybrid spearheaded by Osdorp Posse) performances. The site kept on developing steadily and a few years later an active squad of as many as 11 heads were working for HIJS on a daily basis. In the meanwhile several parties organized by HIJS took place: HIJS-Splosh Festival (2002), Relevant Elements (2003), Headlock! (2003) and a performance by US crew Cunninlynguists (2003). The squad is still expanding, while their activities and the amount of HIJS-visitors are equally increasing!

On the English hiphopinyourface.com website we list the English articles featured on the main site.

Geplaatst door bowie op 7 maart 2004