- The Real Underground Hip Hop…

We are the Guerrilla Ant Army Federation. We are a group of volunteers and act as a non-profit organisation only interested in supporting the community. We use art and music, and especially the 4 elements of hiphop, to educate the youth about freedom and unity.
We offer a platform to underground artists and activists of different kinds of disciplines to perform together and state their views on life, politics and revolution. Everybody we work with are volunteers doing this to help us in promoting unity, and showing the world great things can happen without the need of money or bureaucracy.

We started out with organising underground hiphop parties, always combining the four elements, uniting the different parts of hiphop that sometimes tend to grow apart, while teaching others. Education is the most important step towards unity. Each one teach one.
Next to this we have an international hiphop cafe every other week and a monthly restaurant with free entrance where people can come to express theirselves in any way they want, meet new people, learn and teach about hiphop and organise meetings, demos, parties, etc.

Our next goal is a 2 or 3-days international hiphop festival, indoor and outdoor, in the centre of Amsterdam. With artists from different European countries. Including performances, workshops, masterclasses, food, open mics, graff expo's. All with the idea of spreading the love and teaching people about unity, freedom and starting a revolution to bring down Babylon.