- Lost Paragraph – Believe

Believe is the first video release of the new dutch hiphop formation Lost Paragraph.

The song was inspired by there own convictions related to the subject "religion".
Rappers Chain, Delano, Amby and singer Mikey share there religious vision and explain in their own words about their experiences or doubts they have.

The formation "Lost Paragraph" is an initiative of several members of Mindstate Music (Amby, Silver, The Chain and Mikey) together with Producer/Rapper Delano.

Recorded @ Lost Paragraph Studios
Produced by: Delano & The Chain
Video by: The Chain

Written by: D. Ciere, M. Sluiter, M. Beek, & K. van Geffen


Believe is de eerst videoclip van de nieuwe formatie Lost Paragraph. 

Het nummer is geinspireerd door hun eigen overtuiging met betrekking tot religie. De rappers Chain, Delano, Amby & zanger Mikey delen op de track hun religieuze visie en vertellen ieder in eigen woorden over de ervaring of twijfels die ze hier over hebben.

Deze formatie is tot stand gekomen uit een combinatie van een aantal leden van Mindstate Music (Amby, The Chain, Mikey & Silver) in samenwerking met producer Delano.

Recoded @ Lost Paragraph Studio's 
Produced by: Delano & The Chain
Video by: The Chain

Written by: D. Ciere, M. Sluiter, M. Beek & K. van Geffen